
Lessons are learned, not conceived.
Yet confessions are not to be kept.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Curse of Injustice

How would it feel like to watch your son and your house burn in front of you? How would it feel like to watch a newborn baby die because of injustice?

I have seen so much injustice in the world. The rich get what they want. The poor are begging in the streets. The rich has the power to give bribes and heartaches to the poor.

Prejudice is the closest cousin of injustice. Most of the hospitals today are not allowing admissions for the poor. If they see that the patient won't be able to pay his fees, the hospital would just ignore him and set him aside. They prioritize the rich people knowing that they could add more to the digits in the hospital's account.

 It is really demoralizing to know that the human rights are being violated in a person's most desperate hours. Danger come along when we least expect it, so as poverty. If the two misfortunes come hand in hand, hope is gone for the person whose god's name is "money".

 Sometimes, it is really painful to watch your brethren writhing in pain because of injustice. I can see the causes of their misfortune as an eagle sees the world below. The land is cursed because of sin. It was all because of sin that the people are brought low. If they can only open their eyes to the truth, everything would turn out fine. 

I too am not spared from the curses. My family is struggling because of poverty. However, because I placed my faith in God alone, He has been always around when I needed help. I am more than blessed to know that my Lord God loves me as His own.

But how about the other people? Jesus Christ died for them too. They just don't know that grace has come upon them; mercy has been showered to their hearts and love has been sacrificed for their sake.

I've never been a humanitarian in my life. God filled my heart with His compassion.Since God's spirit is within me, I can almost feel the exact pain that the people He Himself loves. It was totally new to me. I cried when I heard the news about a fire in Manila where two have died.

It's amazing How God sets up everything for the ones He loves. His words reassure me that hope is found in Jesus Christ's name. Victory has been declared even before the war has ended. 

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