
Lessons are learned, not conceived.
Yet confessions are not to be kept.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Chess Game Against the Liar

If the war with Satan is a chess game, he has already in-rooked. He hid himself behind his rook (tower) to protect his identity and those who are pursuing his destruction will be kept busy by his minions whose identities are also hidden from those who doesn't know the instructions from their King.

Well of course, our King is never challenged. He is invulnerable from every attacks. We are his pieces. His name has the power to destroy the stronghold of Satan. All we need to do is to determine the identity of our ally and our enemy. This war is not our war though. It is the King's war. And as we are sure, as certain as the words of the Father of Truth and Faithfulness, this chess game is already assured of a check-mate to the enemy. This war is already won. If the pieces will just surrender to the will of the King, then there's no problem.

Fighting blind is a fool's errand. How can anyone win when he doesn't know who he's fighting with?

Good thing our ally doesn't know how to be defeated. He never will. So our praise and reverence should be on to Him who has won the war for us.

All praise to the King enthroned to eternal Heaven!

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