
Lessons are learned, not conceived.
Yet confessions are not to be kept.

Friday, September 17, 2010

How To Love

Not by a quick 'yes' nor an immediate 'no'
Nor by having less or by having so and so
But by being patient for God to let you know
And by being kind for you shall reap what you sow

Look at what others have and you will be bitter
If you are proud you'll somehow think that you're better
But love does not envy for God is your Father
Nor boast for we are no better than each other

Answer rudely and you'll add fuel to the flame
Stop self-seeking for all the glamor and the fame
But answer gently to wash away all his pain
And put others first so you will not live in vain

When your brother heaps burning coals over your head,
Or stains your white robe with his blood so crimson red
If he throws you a stone, better throw him some bread
And don't make a list of the wrongs he's done and said

If you find yourself drowning in the sea of lies,
So are your brothers dating with evil and vice,
Rejoice in truth and shut your ears from evil cries
And protect your brothers before their spirit dries

One day you'll find the one you love cheating on you
All hope is gone and you don't even have a clue
But love always trusts, must be pure and always true
Always hopes for day to come in a night so blue

Most trials and persecutions may weigh you down
And many failures can crease your forehead and frown
True love always perseveres and can never drown
Though with many failures it runs towards the crown

But there's a love that is so hard to comprehend
That He went down to earth with many hearts to mend
The Righteous One gave His life for a sinful friend
So great was His love for He loved them 'til the end

Friday, September 10, 2010

God Through the Years

In place where Satan has his throne were captives.
Light shown upon those who sought the Lord in darkness.
For they knew the Lord will reward him who believes,
So they stood their ground amidst the rage and madness.

Waters splashed. Seas churned. Rivers dried as blue turned to red.
They did not love their lives much as to shrink from death.
Rushing wind blew by and gave life to all the dead.
They stood up at the sound of the Almighty's breath.

Then the Lord brought back the captives to Mount Zion.
He made us taste the first-fruits which we ourselves are.
On the holy mountain stands the Lord's foundation:
Israel of God, the Lord's beloved nation.

The Lord redeemed us while we were in deep slumber.
Now we are those who dreamed, believed on things unseen.
Our hearts are filled with laughter as we remember
The great deeds of our Lord. So many have they been!

We got into the boat and caught nothing all night.
Day came and the Lord God threw our nets to the right.
Then the Bride will say in her heart 'Who bore me these?'
'Come all of you who weep! Come to my wedding feast'

And the nations look upon then who sow in tears.
And they see the image of the One they have pierced.
Gone are the sadness, worries and the needless fears.
They shall say 'The Lord has been with them through the years'

Now open the gates for the captives are coming.
Let all the watchmen shout to them who were lost:
'The Lord is merciful from the beginning'
'Give praise to Him--to the Lamb who conquered the cross'

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Never Again

Never again will I close my eyes,
Or pretend to be blind, to sleep and die.
Never again will I find one reason
For me not to give myself hope.
Even though a thousand may rise against me
I will not fret, I will not bow down.
For they can never harm someone like I;
Who is already a wind passing by.
Look at me and see, take away your envy.
What am I compared to you?
What am I to those around the corner?
Empty are these words
To those who themselves are empty.
While the world goes forth,
I find myself going against its flow.
There's no meaning nor rhyme
In this world where all things may die.
Spend money there and spend time.
But everything will cease.
Until the last empty space is revealed.
And the last of it will be filled.
And the strong will stand up and die.
In the end, never again...
Never again will I hear good bye.