
Lessons are learned, not conceived.
Yet confessions are not to be kept.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Parable of the Rich Man and His Butler (Part 2)

All of the first witnesses to the rich man's son's death were able to go home to the rich man's house and became sons themselves. They have convinced more street children of their freedom. So like the rich man's son before he left, they commissioned some who believe them to tell the others what the rich man and his son had done for them.

As the days passed, many of them started to take the path towards the home of the rich man. The path has the trail of the rich man's son's blood on it. Now the trail was very narrow. That is why only those who had the son's blood can follow the trail.

Now the butler didn't have an claim on the street children anymore for the father had bought them at the price of his son and the son had bought them at the price of his blood.

Despite what happened, the butler still wanted to get even with the rich man. He doesn't want all of the street children to go home to the rich man's house. So he devised a wicked plan.

He ordered his minions to kill the witnesses who testified to the death of the son and the loss of the butler's claim on them. However, the more they killed, even more have found the path and went home. He did everything to distract them. He offered riches to some of them, fame to others, and many other distracting things, but many still chose to take the path and returned home for the blood of the son was upon them.

The butler realized that if he could make them take another way, he could somehow prevent them from going home and end up returning to the place where they used to be slaves thinking that they were already free.

He then stood across the trail near the street children disguised as a woman. Then with characteristic eloquence and charming presence he claimed to be the mother of the rich man's son. Then he offered them an alternate way home if they should believe in him.

Almost all the street children believed in the "mother of the rich man's son", so they followed her and deserted the trail of the son's blood. Those who followed her were actually following the butler's trail back to the same place they were made slaves.

Now there are some whom the son revealed his love. And because of that, they loved the son even more than they used to. They knew who the son was. When they saw the "mother of the rich man's son", they knew it was the butler.

They told those who were deceived by the butler. Some did not believe and killed some of them for not believing and disrespecting the son's mother. Some believed and returned to the son's trail.

When the butler heard that his secret was exposed, he hunted down those who knew about it. He killed some but he just could not get rid of all of them for the rich man had sent some of his loyal servants to protect those who loved his son.

And so the butler declared war against the chosen ones of the rich man's son.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Parable of the Rich Man and His Butler (part 1)

There was once a rich and powerful man. He had a son-- his only son-- whom he loved the most. And his son loved him as much as he was loved by his father.

They went out of the country and took with them street children from a very poor dusty country full of suffering.

The rich man planned to adopt the street children to be his sons and his only son approved of it because he loved them as much.

When their faithful butler who was serving them from the beginning heard of this, he became jealous and he hated his master. He told his fellow servants about what he felt and convinced one third of the master's servants about his ploy.

When their master heard of their plan of rebellion, he called his other servants to fight against the butler and his minions. They defeated the butler and had him thrown outside their country.

The angry butler wanted to hurt his master so he enticed the street children to come with him. They were not aware that the butler was banished from the rich man's presence so they followed the butler ignorantly rebelled against the rich man.

The butler and his minions made slaves out of the street children. They made them suffer. They also blinded them with fun so that they would love what they were doing. Some of them didn't like how the butler treated them. They tried hard to escape but they could not.

The butler called the rich man. He wanted revenge so he asked him for a ransom to save the street children. The rich man offered him his riches but his butler would not accept them. So the butler asked the rich man to give his one and only son in behalf of the street children. He agreed with the butler. His son also willingly submitted himself to his father's will because he loved his father and the street children.

The next day, the father brought his son to the butler. Right there and then, the butler beat up, wounded, lashed, slaughtered, crucified and burned the son in front of the father.

Now some street children saw what happened to the rich man's son. They mourned for him but to their surprise, he lived again. The son told them that he will go ahead to prepare his home for them so that they can follow him. He promised that he will return to totally destroy the butler by crushing his head. So before he left, he commissioned his witnesses to tell the others what he and his father had done for them.

So the street children told the others that they were already freed by the son. Some believed them but some of them loved to be with the butler and did to them the same thing the butler did to the rich man's son. Some, however were able to go home to the father because they believed the witnesses and they became sons of the rich man.